3 Gun Gear Reviews: Our website, Facebook PageYoutube Channel and other assets are riddled with 3 gun gear reviews and recommendations to get you started in 3 gun.

Check out our collection of  gear reviews from our youtube channel, blogs and other 3 gun gear review assets across the web. We have spent the last several years creating gear reviews and now you can find them all in one place.

We encourage you to post comments on our blog. We welcome questions, criticisms and outright dissent and will do our best to respond to every comment as soon as possible. This is a forum for shooters to learn. We do not pretend to corner the market on right answers and every comment that adds to our collective knowledge is absolutely welcome. Keep the jabs above the belt, leave our poor mothers out of it and we will all get along!

Round Table Gun Reviews – STI International Marauder 9mm 3 Gun Pistol

Round table gun review’s STI International Marauder 9mm gun review. It’s a simple scheme. Shooters from different backgrounds get together, shoot guns, discuss guns and rate guns. Thumbs up, thumbs down or the ever noncommittal “meh” are the only options. What starts out as four separate reviews culminates in a broad overview and full bodied [...]

Getting Started in 3 Gun, 3 Gun Drills with Concealed Defense, Shotgun Caddies Reloading

Don't Forget to Sub the Channel! Find Concealed Defense here: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Concea... Concealed defense is a family business operated by Brian Payne and his Son Nathan Payne. Both are accomplished 3 gunners and well rounded shooters. If the last name seems familiar you may know another Payne brother Tyler Payne of the US Army Marksmanship Team [...]

Getting Started in 3 Gun, 3 Gun Competition Shooting Expo by Performance Body Work

Our friends Dustin and Laura at Performance Body Work www.pbwtherapy.com brought together a unique mix of 3 Gun Dry Fire Training, 3 Gun and USPSA Vendors and Experts in Sports fitness to create a truly unique experience for those of us frozen out in the north. Check out all the companies that were involved and [...]

Round Table Gun Reviews – Armalite 18″ 3 Gun Rifle Competition Gun Review

Round table gun review’s Armalite 18" M-15 3 Gun Rifle review. It’s a simple scheme. Shooters from different backgrounds get together, shoot guns, discuss guns and rate guns. Thumbs up, thumbs down or the ever noncommittal “meh” are the only options. What starts out as four separate reviews culminates in a broad overview and full [...]

Getting Started in 3 Gun, Traditional Caddies, Dual Loads and Quad Loads Revisited

SUB THE CHANNEL!!! What a difference a year can make. 2013 and 2014 will go down in the books as an arms race to see who can load a shotgun the fastest. We sat down with 3 of the top shooters locally to discuss their preferred shotgun reloading technique and what, if any, changes they [...]


PURCHASE THE RAZOR FROM BROWNELLS: http://tinyurl.com/onzcvty VORTEX RAZOR HD GEN ii 1-6 X 24 RIFLESCOPE Don't Forget to Sub the Channel and check out P3 Multigun: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChtvfaMuMKkIKz_P3tdCsXg In a new format we sit down with the guys from P3 Multigun to discuss the Vortex Razor HD Gen ii 1-6x24 Riflescope. In an in depth and [...]

By |2019-05-02T19:21:06+00:00May 30th, 2016|3 Gun Gear Reviews, 3 Gun Optics Reviews|0 Comments
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