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Welcome to the HIVE2. On this episode we will discuss creating your day and how to manage both a digital and paper calendar.
Check this out!
Notes from Michael Hyatts Blog:
1. Full digital. You can do everything with a digital solution such as Nozbe, Todoist, or Evernote. Digital environments are not just plagued with distractions, they’re designed to produce distractions. Going full digital means inviting all those distractions when you should be focusing on your most important priorities and tasks.
2. Full Paper. You can do everything with a paper-based system such as a Bullet Journal, Day Runner, or the Full Focus Planner™. But going full analog has drawbacks of its own. Not only do you have to manually copy and re-enter a lot of content, you also miss some of the benefits of digital—such as collaborating with others on your calendar or managing longer lists or projects. That makes full analog unworkable for most people I know.
3. Hybrid system. You can do some things digitally and some things on paper.
How I Use a Digital and Paper Calendar: Fantastical 2 and Hyatt Planner

Check out this episode!