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Breathing is
Define woo :
Option 1 : BOX Breathing : The most normal practice : Free
The following technique is recommended by neurohacker Mark Divine. A retired Navy SEAL Commander, Mark now runs SEALFIT in Encinitas, California, which is a program to develop elite level physical fitness and mental toughness.
He calls this breath control practice ‘Box Breathing,’ and cites it as his secret weapon for creating a balanced, energized state, and a calm, focused mind.
Here’s how you do it:
The Basics:
* On the inhale, expand the belly, then the diaphragm, then the upper chest. On the exhale, let the breath go first from the upper chest, then the ribcage, then the belly. This helps you relearn how to breathe deeply.
* Inhale and exhale solely through the nose. It stimulates the nerves that activate the parasympathetic nervous system and counters the fear response of the sympathetic nervous system.
* Inhale for a count of 5.
* Retain and hold the breath for a count of 5.
* Exhale all the breath from the lungs for a count of 5.
* Retain and hold the breath for a count of 5.
* Repeat.
Length: Start with 1-3 minute “spot drills” several times a day before an important meeting or event. Work up to 5-10 minutes a day.
Option 2: Wim Hoff Method : A little more woo : Free to $200
Breathing exercises are an important part of the Wim Hof Method. The other 2 methods are cold therapy and mental Training This infamous and powerful method enabled ‘Iceman’ Wim Hof to achieve extraordinary things like climbing Mount Everest in his shorts and running barefoot in the snow for extended periods of time. WHM is like, Tummo and Pranayama, a type of breathwork, but has his own particular features. The WHM breathing exercise will help you gain control over your body and mind, and ultimately help you to influence your nervous system and immune system. As Wim puts it, his method is based on ‘cold hard nature’ and helps you battle forces like cold, heat, and stress.
These breathing exercises are only one of three pillars that form the Wim Hof Method. The other two pillars are cold therapy and training your mindset. When combined, the three pillars will help you to become stronger and gaining better health. Known benefits of the Wim Hof Method include:
* Stress reduction
* Faster recovery from physical exertion
* Better sleep
* Improved sports performance
* Enhanced creativity
* More focus and mental clarity
The Wim Hof Method is also linked to reducing symptoms of diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, asthma, sarcoidosis, vasculitis, and several autoimmune diseases.
*Get comfortable
Find a comfortable place to do your breathing exercises where you won’t be disturbed. You can sit or lie on your back, but do not do this exercise whilst driving or standing up.
*Do 30-40 power breaths
Once you’re comfortable, you can start to breathe in and out 30 times. This is essentially deep breathing at a steady pace in and out through the mouth. Inhale fully but don’t exhale all the way out. As you inhale you should feel your belly rise and on the exhale, you should feel your belly fall. It may feel a bit like you are hyperventilating, but you are in control. Like me, you may also feel a tingling or lightheaded sensation throughout your whole body, when you do this for the first time. This is perfectly normal.
* Hold your breath
After doing 30-40 Wim Hof power breaths, empty your lungs of air and retain the breath for as long as you can without force. During the retention, I found it relaxing to close my eyes and focus on the space between my eyes. Just remember to set a stopwatch if you’re interested in recording your results. You might want to see how you progress with the breath retentions if you plan to do this regularly over a set period of time.
*Breathe in for 10 seconds
After the breath retention, take a deep breath in and hold it for a further 10-15 seconds, before exhaling.
*Repeat steps 1-4 Repeat the whole process for another three rounds. Remember to record your times down, so you can track your progression.
Option 3: Soma Breathwork : Very Woo : $179
Initiation Phase
Guided 20 minute breathwork meditation in downloadable audio format prepares you for the deeper practices.
Awakening Phase
40 minute guided audio breathwork meditation awakens your ‘inner pharmacy’ strengthening, healing and nourishing your body with vital oxygen while giving you the therapeutic benefits of intermittent hypoxia.
SOMA Phase
60 minute guided audio breathwork meditation releases the ‘Soma’ molecule from within giving you bliss, connection and the peak human experience.

Check out this episode!